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Don Dohler: Uncontained Imagination « Baltimore Filmmakers

Baltimore Filmmakers posted a nice article about my friend, the late Don Dohler. Here's the link:  Don Dohle r: Uncontained Imagination...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Free 3D adds another contender: trueSpace

trueSpace was one of the first 3D applications I tried, way back in 2000. It was version 4 back then, and while its interface was a little different and it didn't have all of the state-of-the-art features, it was quite capable and got me through a few projects.

Now on version 7.6, trueSpace has quite a lot to offer, based on the features page. And to make that deal sweeter, it's completely free! Seems Microsoft purchased Caligari, the creators of trueSpace. I guess they want to compete with other free 3D apps, particularly Google SketchUp. Gee, I wonder why?

There's only a PC version, so Mac users are SOL in terms of trueSpace.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sealed Fates Begins Shooting

We've been chomping at the bit to film a new feature for over a year now. We're finally getting our chance this summer. The cast is set, the locations (sort of) secured -- any micro-budget company knows what I mean -- and the shooting schedule is done (for the next couple of weeks, anyway).

Now, we start rolling.

This is the first time I'll be behind the camera, other than for the Horrorfind commercial in March. So, I made a checklist for the set:

  • Charged battery...check.

  • Tape in, queued up...check.

  • White balance set...check.

  • XL1 set to interlaced mode...check (we're converting to 24p, but that's a whole, upcoming, post in itself).

  • Subject framed...check.

  • Lights set properly...check.

And, um, anything else?

Oh yeah,

  • Focused? ...check. Whew!