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Don Dohler: Uncontained Imagination « Baltimore Filmmakers

Baltimore Filmmakers posted a nice article about my friend, the late Don Dohler. Here's the link:  Don Dohle r: Uncontained Imagination...

Print Work

Here are some DVD covers and posters I've done for various film projects.

I did this cover for a Fiend DVD release back in around 2004. Don really liked it and submitted it to the distributer, but the distributer wanted to do one himself. I personally like this one better because it looked more serious and creepy. The final release was way too retro 60s for my taste.

This was a sample I did for Don around the same time as the Fiend cover above -- again for the same distributer, and again he decided to go with his own retro version. Oh well. The final release of this film was entitled Alien Factor 2: The Alien Rampage.

This one was for the press kit for Vampire Sisters. I had also done a poster with a similar design that we took to the 2003 Balticon. At around the same time, some crackpot copied the image and used it for his own movie. He told us some crap story, but eventually took it down.

This one was my first attempt at a poster, so to call it "for print" is a bit of a stretch. But I think it's pretty cool, and maybe one day if we ever finish Monster Planet, it will end up in print.  ;)

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